宠物入境澳大利亚按规定要分别隔离不同时间: 来自新西兰和椰子群岛的宠物可以直接入境; 来自英国或爱尔兰共和国的宠物要隔离两个月; 来自挪威、瑞典或夏威夷的宠物要隔离4个月;
同处于大洋洲的澳大利亚和新西兰在宠物入境方面的规定是一样的,这两个国家都不允许宠物从中国大陆直接入境,必须通过合格的第三国家或地区中转,所以,内地的旅客带宠物前往澳洲或新西兰的最优选择就是从香港中转进入目的地,下面详细介绍下相关的流程和需要的手续: (1)中转时间。宠物在入境第三国家或地区(比如:香港)后需要停留的时间必须在6个月以上。 (2)植入电子芯片。宠物必须植入可以识别身份的电子芯片,且该芯片号码要求出现在所有相关的文件中,确保是同一只宠物。 (3)在中转地办理健康证书。出发前48小时内办理好宠物健康证书,必须由中转地(如:香港)的官方持证兽医签发。入境新西兰的宠物年龄必须大于9个月。 (4)狂犬病免疫证明。即取得接种狂犬病疫苗的免疫证。 (5)血清检测。对宠物进行血清提取后,将血清样本发送至指定的实验室进行血清检测,确定血清中狂犬病抗体浓度达到0.5IU/ml。若不合格,则需重新接种疫苗后检测,直至合格为止。 (6)申请入境许可证书。进入澳洲或新西兰,需要提前申请入境许可证书,取得该许可后才允许入境。申请时应该提交的资料有:
China (not including Hong Kong and Macau) is not an AQIS approved country. This means you can not import a cat or dog to Australia directly from China (not including Hong Kong and Macau). 中国(不包括香港和澳门)不是AQIS认证的国家。这就意味着不能直接将猫、狗从中国引进到澳大利亚。
The importation of cats and dogs from an AQIS non approved country can only occur indirectly via an AQIS approved country.
If you intend to import cats and dogs indirectly via an AQIS approved country, you must first contact the quarantine service in the AQIS approved country to ensure that cats and dogs are eligible for entry. Cats and dogs must meet all of the pre and post-entry quarantine requirements of the AQIS approved country.
Cats and dogs must be continuously resident in an AQIS approved country for a minimum of six months prior to export. There are no exceptions to this requirement. Cats and dogs must meet all of the AQIS import conditions that apply to the AQIS approved country before being eligible for import into Australia.
All vaccinations, blood samples and blood testing required by AQIS must be conducted whilst the cat or dog is resident in an AQIS approved country. AQIS will not accept any pre-export vaccinations, blood samples or blood testing completed in an AQIS non approved country. You can commence the import preparation to meet the conditions for Australian Quarantine as soon as the cat or dog arrives in the AQIS approved country. You do not need to wait for your cat or dog to meet the residency condition of six months before starting the import process.
JackPet杰克宠物服务中心是中国大陆第一家宠物出入境服务商,我们有最专业的服务团队和多年的宠物出入境经验。 把它交给JackPet吧或者直接致电010-87872409 021-69890859 |