b:猫/狗由政府认可的兽医检查并且确定已经植入芯片,并且具有与兽医健康证明和接种证明中相同的识别代码 c:猫/狗必须在离境前至少6个月以上使用AVA认可的疫苗进行狂犬病疫苗接种,这点是参考疫苗作用期和疫苗制造厂家的建议。猫/狗必须在疫苗接种至少一个月后和离境前6个月内,进行血清样本抽样并且对狂犬病抗体水平进行检测。
Each animal shall be accompanied by a valid import licence issued by the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA) of Singapore.
The animal shall be accompanied by: (a) a veterinary certificate (in accordance with the attached template) bearing a date not more than seven (7) days prior to export, signed by a government approved veterinarian of the country of export and endorsed by a an official government veterinarian of the country of export, describing the age, breed, sex, colour, markings or other points of identification of dog/cat and certifying to the effect that: (i) the dog/cat was examined by the government approved veterinarian and found to be healthy, free from any clinical sign of infectious or contagious disease and fit for travel at the time of export. (iv) in the case of a dog, the dog was vaccinated according to the vaccine manufacturer’s recommendations and not less than two (2) weeks prior to export against Canine Distemper, Canine Hepatitis and Canine Parvoviral infection. (v) in the case of a cat, the cat was vaccinated according to the vaccine manufacturer’s recommendations and not less than two (2) weeks prior to export against Cat Flu (Feline calicivirus and Feline viral rhinotracheitis, and Chlamydophila felis) and Cat enteritis (ie Feline Panleukopaenia/ Feline parvovirus). (vi) the dog/cat has been treated with a product effective against external parasites (fleas and ticks) between 2 and 10 days of export (state active ingredient and date of treatment), and with a product effective against internal parasites (nematodes and cestodes) within 4 days of export (state active ingredient and date of treatment). (b) the dog/cat’s original vaccination certificate, which also bears the identification code of the microchip that has been implanted. The vaccination certificate also bears the details (name of veterinarian, name and address of veterinary practice) and endorsement of government-approved veterinarian who vaccinated the dog/cat and verified the microchip identification code.
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