1、 取得泰国官方的入境许可,可以在泰国曼谷Don Muang国际机场进行申请。
★ 取得从泰国转运宠物的官方授权,或者取得宠物入境泰国的许可
★ 填写一张特殊入境申请表
★ 请注意,申请入境许可除了您需要交纳一定数量的关税外,还需要一定的申请费用。如果您的宠物在泰国逗留时间不超过6个月,则可以免收关税,但要像机场交纳一定数量的保证金,并且要有担保人。
2、 其他要求
◎ 由当地注册兽医填写的身份识别证书,包括宠物的年龄、品种、性别、颜色等等。
◎ 免疫证(狂犬疫苗接种凭证)。在入境前15天以上接种狂犬疫苗,并取得相关的免疫证书。
◎ 细螺旋体病疫苗的接种证书。必须在入境前21天以上接种。
◎ 必须持有宠物的健康证书。
◎ 3个月以下的宠物不允许入境。
Thank you for your service. We have brought our pets (Lili and hola) into Thailand on Thai airways from Shanghai, based on your advice, and as long as the documents/ vaccinations of pets , which are in order us go to an office in the arrivals area complete a form,and pay about 1300baht probably 650baht per pet then our puppies arrived from the aircraft finally, they just went through customs as normal. Our dogs have travelled with us from Shanghai through Hong kong to Bombay,then returned back to Shanghai.
Thank you very much, we are very appreciate for what you have done for our puppies.
Chuan Leekpai